NIOM offers a number of services, among them those in the field of health promotion and prophylaxis. We particularly recommend services related to employees’ health protection, health promotion and issues concerning occupational stress:

− Recognition and informing about occupational hazards in the workplace;
− Employees’ health protection organization and funding;
− Supervision of the occupational hygiene sector;
(Department of Health Policy)

− Workplace health promotion;
− Health promotion on a national level;
− Strategies of workplace health promotion;
(National Centre for Workplace Health Promotion)

− Studies on occupational stress: chronic (including stress level and its effects determinants) and traumatic, caused by some critical events occurring at work, paying special attention to occupational groups for which the risk of occupational stress is higher (emergency services);
− Studies on the work usefulness and adaptation;
− Occupational stress levels diagnosis;
− Prevention and alleviation of negative effects of stress;
− Prophylactic psychological studies of selected groups of workers;
− Programmes for workplace stress reduction organization and implementation;
− Analysis of the posts regarding assessment of mental burden of work.
(Department of Occupational Psychology)

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