
Med. Pr. 2002;53(1)
Working conditions as perceived and assessed by workers
Warunki pracy w ocenie pracowników
Halina Ćwirko


In the Polish professional literature we can more and more often find articles on working conditions and occupational risk. However, there is lack of information concerning the employees' knowledge of working conditions and possible occupational hazards.
According to the Artictel 226 of the Labour Code the employer is obliged to inform employees on working conditions and relevant health hazards as well as hazards protection principles. Thus all the employees should know working conditions and relevant health hazards.
The aim of the article is to prove the knowledge of working conditions and health hazards by the employees doing different jobs in several sectors of the national economy.
There have been analized questionnaires received from 787 employees including 526 women and 261 men representing white-collar and blue-collar professions in industry sectors and services. Questionnaires have been elaborated by the Institute of Labour and Social Policy.

Key words

working conditions, health hazards at the employees' assessment

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