
Med. Pr. 2002;53(3)
Exploration of workers' opinions as a source of knowledge of working conditions and their impact on workers' health
Badania opinii osób zatrudnionych jako źródło wiedzy o warunkach pracy i ich konsekwencjach dla zdrowia pracowników
Jerzy Koniarek


The present system and the range of assessing working conditions with their historical background do not reveal reality as they neither cover the whole working population nor take account of a growing importance of psychosocial and organizational factors characteristic of the work environment and affecting workers' health.
The studies carried out on representative samples of different occupational groups may substantially contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this area. This kind of studies have already been carried out in a number of West European countries. The author tries to justify the need for performing such studies in Poland.

Key words

working conditions, subjective assessment

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