
Med. Pr. 2002;53(6)
Asbestos-related carcinogenic risk
Ryzyko nowotworowe związane z narażeniem na azbest
Kazimierz Marek


Exposure to asbestos containing dust and its health effects are underestimated in many countries throughout the world, particularly in Poland.
Asbestos has been proved to be carcinogenic to humans. The most specific health effect of asbestos exposure is pleural, pericardial and peritoneal mesothelioma. The relationship between asbestos exposure and primary lung cancer has been also documented.
The association between pleural mesothelioma and asbestos exposure can be estimated by assessing thenumber of asbestos fiber in the lung tissue, or by checking the history of significant asbestos exposure. Minimum latency is 10 years, but in most cases it ranges between 20 and 40 years.
Asbestos-related lung cancer occurs at varied frequency, depending on the country. The lung cancer risk is underestimated, but the frequency of its diagnosis is increasing owing to better detectability, despite the asbestos-use limitation. Lung cancer is distinctly more frequent in patients with asbestosis. In case of heavy occupational exposure, lung cancer can occur already after 1 year of work, but as mentioned earlier its minimum latency period is 10 years.

Key words

asbestosis, carcinogenic risk, mesothelioma, lung cancer, Helsinki criteria

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