International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, which is edited and published by Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine and Polish Association of Occupational Medicine, has obtained new, higher Impact Factor of 1.227, simultaneously taking the 99th place on the list of 157 journals in the Public, Environmental and Occupational Health category in the Journal Citation Reports ranking  (the highest IF in this category amounted to 7.583, and the lowest 0.153). The increase in IF for IJOMEH in comparison with the last year is as follows:

Medycyna Pracy,
edited and published by Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine and Polish Association of Occupational Medicine, has also recorded an increase in IF, which for the year 2011 equals 0.303, which gives it the 150th place out of  157 in the category of Public, Environmental and Occupational Health:

The list includes 125 Polish journals (the highest IF was 2.445, while the lowest – 0.026), among them IJOMEH took the 22nd place and Medycyna Pracy was 103rd.

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