For the first time, in accordance with the new principles, The Ministry of Science and Higher Education has evaluated potential of scientific units and pointed the most prestigious institutions. Committee for Evaluation of Scientific Units has analyzed comprehensively and compared scientific achievements of departments, scientific and research institutes and has awarded categories to more than 960 units.

The category awarded by the Committee for Evaluation of Scientific Units has influence on the extent of the unit financing, since the algorithm, according to which the subsidy from the budget is calculated, takes into account the category of a given scientific unit. In order to ensure objectivity and comparability of evaluations, a special algorithm was used, and scientific units were compared in four groups of science: humanistic and social sciences, life sciences, science and engineering, the science of art and artistic creation. Researchers evaluated: scientific and creative achievements, scientific potential, material effects of scientific activity as well as the most important effects of scientific activity indicated by the unit.

Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine received category A in the group of ‘Life Sciences’ (NZ3M).


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