In the ranking of Journal Ciatation Reports International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health obtained new Impact Factor equalling 1.094. The value of IF for IJOMEH compared to the previous years is as follows:



Medycyna Pracy has also obtained a higher Impact Factor, which amounts to 0.318 for the year 2013. The value of IF for Medycyna Pracy compared to the previous years presents itself as follows:


There are 129 Polish journals on the list of JCR Edition (the highest IF - 2,818, the lowest -  0,066), among them IJOMEH is on the  29th place, and Medycyna Pracy on the 116th.
On the list of JCR Social Science Edition there are 7 Polish journals (the highest  IF - 1,510, the lowest - 0,034).

The list of Polish journals with IF for 2013 (Science+Social Edition)


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