Professor Jolanta Walusiak-Skorupa has been confirmed as the new Chairperson of the IGOA.

Objective of the Occupational Allergy Interest Group (OAIG) is to closely observe the relevant areas of occupational allergy within the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), provide members with opportunities to actively participate in EAACI activities, and keep them updated on the initiatives related to occupational allergy.

More than 1000 EAACI members from the majority of European countries have joined to date and half of them are Junior Members. Many of them are specialists in the field of occupational medicine and/or allergologists and/or pneumologists.

Inspector General is responsible for making proposals to the Scientific Programme Committee, for major symposia and developing workshops and minor symposia, as well as post-graduate courses on occupational allergy during annual EAACI Congresses. The purpose of the IG is also to propose task forces on relevant topics, spread guidelines and support the exchange of information between members working in occupational allergy. Since 2008 more than 10 task forces have been worked out.


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