
Med. Pr. 2000;51(5)
Effect of arsenic and its compounds on the circulatory system
Wpływ arsenu na układ krążenia
A. Sieradzki, A. Skoczyńska, R. Andrzejak


Arsenic is a metal which occurs widely in both occupational and physical environments. Therefore, its easy accessibility and high toxicity raise the question on whether arsenic, particularly in relatively small doses, can cause damage of relevant molecular, biochemical and clinical significance to the cardiovascular system. The present review is focused on the confirmed and potential mechanisms of arsenic effect on the function and structure of vascular endothelium (nitric oxide, peroxynitrite), its role in stimulating the oxidative species formation (hydroxyperoxide, superoxide and lipid peroxide formation),as well as in decreasing the antioxidative response (enzymes: superoxide dysmutase, catalase, glutation peroxidase), its cytotoxic effects, including immunotoxic properties, arsenic action in the signal transduction pathways network (kinases and DNA transcription factors), impact on cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis, not to mention its interference with DNA synthesis and repair processes. Apart from mechanisms of arsenic action, the article provides the up-to-date information on various cardiovascular diseases of the established or presumed arsenic origin.

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