
Med. Pr. 2000;51(6)
Characteristics of jobs and workers engaged in municipal waste collection and disposal in the city of Łódź
Charakterystyka stanowisk pracy oraz pracowników zatrudnionych przy zbieraniu i utylizacji odpadów komunalnych
J.A. Krajewski, S. Tarkowski, M. Cyprowski, A. Buczyńska


Characteristics of jobs and workers engaged in the collection and disposal of waste was based on a specially developed questionnaire. Five occupational groups were selected: domestic waste collectors, waste reloading workers, waste composting workers, waste sorting workers, workers at landfill sites. In addition, five job posts were selected: heavy equipment operators, waste sites workers, waste loaders, waste sorters and waste truck drivers. The analysis of characteristics revealed that among job-related burdens reported by the workers the following were found most noxious: repugnant odour, high dust concentrations, required physical effort and changing atmospheric conditions. Nevertheless, the workers in question did not claim any occupation-related illnesses or symptoms. The majority of respondents assessed their health as good or very good.

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