
Med. Pr. 2001;52(2)
Problems in diagnosis of vibratory articuloskeletal syndrome
Problemy diagnostyczne postaci kostno-stawowej zespołu wibracyjnego
B. Stasiów


Vibratory syndrome is still one of the essential problems in occupational health care. A literature review indicates that the majority of studies focus on vascular changes with very limited data on radiological articuloskeletal changes. Non-acute disease manifestation and the lack of clear-cut radiological criteria of skeletal changes contribute to diagnostic problems. The situation presented cannot be accepted as satisfactory in terms of certification consequences at the individual and population levels. There is a need to continue epidemiological studies which should allow for developing diagnostic criteria formulated in a simple way, as well as quantitative and qualitative rating of radiological skeletal changes. Med Pr 2001; 52; 2; 139-144.

Key words

hand-arm vibration syndrome, local vibration, osteoarthrosis, bone cysts, Kienbocks disease

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