
Med. Pr. 2001;52(3)
Psychoenuroimmunology. A new approach to the function of immunological system
Psychoneuroimuunologia. Nowe spojrzenie na funkcjonowanie układu odpornościowego
W. Lutz, M. Tarkowski, B. Dudek


The most recent evidence suggests that the immune system responses are not regulated only by the presence of antigens but they are also influenced by the brain and behavior. It has been known for some time that stressful conditions alter the functioningof the immune system. Despite methodological difficulties in the quantitation of stress, and its association with the onset of illness,the concept of the stress impact on susceptibility to several diseases is widely acknowledged. This paper reviews the effects of stress on the endocrine and central nervous systems and presents the interactions between these systems and the immune response after exposure to stress signals..

Key words

nervous system, immune system, psychological stress, immunosuppression

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