
Med. Pr. 2002;53(3)
Myocardial infarction as work - related accident:medicoślegal problem
Zawał serca jako wypadek przy pracy - problem medyczno-prawny
Ryszard Szozda, Marek Procek


An accident is a work-related event caused by an external factor. Therefore, myocardial infarction is also considered, in specific conditions, as a work-related accident. The aim of this study was to present the cause-effect relationship between myocardial infarction and working conditions in the context of a work-related accident characterized by: urgency of event, external factor and relation with working conditions. The attitude of the Supreme Court to the question of certification, highlighting thekey issues and facilitating the understanding of the problem and opinions of legal experts on this matter is also discussed. Myocardial infarction as a work-related accident is an issue involving both law and medicine, particularly occupational medicine, that will have to tackle and solve this problem in its several dimensions, including periodical examinations.

Key words

myocardial infarction, working conditions, accident at work, certification

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