
Med. Pr. 2002;53(4)
The role of Helicobacter pylori in the development of skin diseases
Rola Helicobacter pylori w powstawaniu chorób skóry
Elżbieta Deroń, Marta Kieć-świerczyńska


The paper presents the current state-of-the-art concerning the effect of Helicobacter pyroli infection on the progress of some skin diseases (Raynaud's disease, purpura hyperergica, rosacea, prurigo nodularis, atopic dermatitis, chronic urticaria). The attention was turned to the lack of unanimity among authors respective to the effect of Helicobacter pylori on the progress of some skin diseases, especially those of allergic etiology.
The methods of bacteria identification were discussed. The methods are as follows: invasive tests involving endoscopy of the upper segment of the alimentary tract - a traumatic test, histologic examination and bacteria culture as well as noninvasive tests:respiratory test and serological tests able to detect the humoral response to infection or examination of the bacteria genetic material by means of PCR. The therapeutic methods used to eradicate effectively the infection,recommended by the Working Group of the Polish Association of Gastroenterology (a three-component treatment for seven days - a drug able to diminish gastric secretion and two antibiotics))are also discussed.

Key words

Helicobacter pylori, skin diseases, therapy

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