
Med. Pr. 2002;53(5)
Prevention of hand-arm vibration syndrome by using antivibration gloves
Profilaktyka zespołu wibracyjnego przez stosowanie rękawic antywibracyjnych
Jolanta Koton


Hand-arm vibration syndrome induced by the exposure to mechanical vibration transmitted from power tools to the operatorśs hands contributes highly to the number of occupational diseases certified in Poland, as well as in other countries. Use of antivibration gloves is one of the methods for reducing the occupational risk of vibration damages. However, the number of researchers express certain reservations about the benefits from wearing such a protective device, mostly because of very limited scientific and explicit evidence to prove the effectiveness of antivibration gloves in preventing hand-arm vibration syndrome. But there is no controversy about the opinions that to achieve a maximum degree of protection, antivibration gloves should be selected to match particular vibratory tools, taking account of the vibration spectrum generated by them.
The paper presents the general principles of the glove selection, the results of the studies of the effectiveness of antivibration gloves carried out bythe Central Institute for Labour Protection (CIOP), as well as some other results, opinions and ideas. The gathered data prove that antivibration gloves are a useful measure to prevent hand-arm vibration syndrome.

Key words

mechanical vibration, hand-held power tools, antivibration gloves, occupational diseases, hand-arm vibration syndrome

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