
Med. Pr. 2002;53(6)
Age-related changes in psychological functions in selected groups of operators
Zmiany funkcji psychologicznych związane z wiekiem w wybranych grupach operatorów
Małgorzata Waszkowska


The aim of the present study was to assess age-related decline in psychological functions and to formulate recommendations on the frequency of psychological preventive examinations among persons whose work requires high psychomotor efficiency.
At the first stage of our study, the scores of psychological tests performed twice in a group of 109 operators, aged 25-60 years, divided into three age groups, ere collected and analyzed. The statistical analysis revealed differences between groups. The scores were significantly worse in the group of workers aged 46 years and more. They suggest the impairment of cognitive functions, attention concentration, perceptiveness, eye-hand coordination and reflex action in complicated situations. It is too early to draw final conclusions as the psychological examinations are continued.

Key words

preventive psychological examinations, operators, psychomotor efficiency

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