
Med. Pr. 2004;55(6)
Influence of psychotherapy on autonomic balance in VDT - operators with somatoform disorders
Wpływ psychoterapii na napięcie układu wegetatywnego u operatorów VDT z zaburzeniami nerwicowymi
Anna Janocha, Ewa Salomon, Robert Skalik, Ireneusz Całkosiński, Wojciech Wośniak, Anna Tumińska
Z Katedry i Zakładu Fizjologii
Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu


Background: The omnipresence of stress-inducing factors that stems from the permanent development of our civilization results in a constantly growing number of people with neurotic disorders. Computer technology, a very new labor technique, has become a stressful factor. Stressful factors initially affect the central nervous system, which modifies vegetative functions. The autonomic balance can be a measurable indicator of disease severity. Materials and Methods: The study group consistedof 50 VDT-operators with neurotic disorders. Twenty five healthy VDT-operators formed the control group. The autonomic balance was investigated with Holter monitoring. Each of the 50 neurotic VDT-operators were qualified for a 3-month psychotherapy. Results: The analysis of Holter recordings proved that the applied model of psychotherapy significantly reduced the number of sympathicotonics in favor of normotonics in the study group (p < 0.01). Conclusions: The Holter analysis can be considered as a reliable indicator of the effect of psychotherapy.

Key words

autonomic balance, psychotherapy, VDT-operators, neurosis

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