
Med. Pr. 2004;55(6)
Justification for screening laboratory tests not related with occupational exposure ordered by occupational medicine physicians: an analytical study
Problemy zasadności zlecania przez lekarzy medycyny pracy skryningowych badań laboratoryjnych, które nie są związane z narażenie
Bartosz Bilski1, Hanna Kara-Perz2
1 Z Katedry Profilaktyki Zdrowotnej
2 Z Katedry Chemii i Biochemii Klinicznej
Akademii Medycznej im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu


The aim of the study was to analyze whether laboratory tests not related with occupational exposure ordered by occupational medicine physicians are justified. In Poland, prophylactic standards in occupational medicine are determined by law and the minimum range of laboratory tests and consultations by specialists is laid down. The extension of its range to include screening in all workers is disputable. The authors analyze the usefulness of the most common laboratory tests performed in screening (bloodcount, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, lipid profile, glucose in blood, urine). In part of those examinations, the benefit to a patient, e.g., the detection of a pathology, is questionable if they are not supported by a thorough analysis of the patientśs state of health and risk factors.

Key words

occupational exposure, laboratory tests, screening

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