
Med. Pr. 2004;55(6)
Toxic effect of dust and fumes of aluminium and its compounds on workers' respiratory tract
Toksyczne oddziaływanie pyłów i dymów glinu oraz jego związków na drogi oddechowe pracowników
Marzenna Nasiadek, Andrzej Sapota
Z Zakładu Toksykologii
Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi


Based on the literature review, the authors discuss problems concerning differentiated exposure of workers to dust and fumes of aluminum and its compounds and describe the observed toxic effect on the respiratory tract. Long- term occupational exposure to the above factors leads to changes in lungs of the pneumoconiotic nature. Other disorders presented in the literature include: pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary alveolitis and alveolar proteinosis, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and chronic pneumonia. The respiratory effect depends to some extent on the form of aluminum or the stage of processing in which exposure occurs. Numerous studies of workers occupationally exposed to aluminum dust and fumes have demonstrated the increase in the incidence of pulmonary fibrosis, depending on the air concentration of respirable fraction of dust.

Key words

aluminum, dust, toxic effect, respiratory tract

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