
Med. Pr. 2005;56(2)
Effects of cadmium on testis function
Wpływ kadmu na funkcję gonad męskich
Helena Martynowicz, Anna Skoczyńska, Beata Karczmarek-Wdowiak, Ryszard Andrzejak
ť Z Katedry i Kliniki Chorób Wewnętrznych, Zawodowych i Nadciśnienia Tętniczego
Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu


The deterioration of male fertility, reported in numerous epidemiological studies over past decades, can be connected with growing exposure to environmental toxins. Heavy metals, especially cadmium, is widely spread and extremely toxic. The mechanisms of cadmium toxic effects vary and involve the damage of vascular endothelium, intracellular junctions, germ cells, Leydig and Sertoli cells. Cadmium can increase activity of reactive oxygen species and induce changes in activity of enzymatic systems and inflammatory reactions. The morphological changes caused by cadmium included the necrosis of seminiferous tubiles and interstitial edema. This metal can reduce testosterone synthesis at various levels and deteriorate spermatogenesis. Cadmium is also acknowledged carcinogen with confirmed mutagenic and genotoxic activity. Increasing environmental exposure to cadmium, currently existing occupational exposure and the prevalence of tobacco smoking results in constant increase in the number of diagnosed fertility impairments.

Key words

cadmium, testis, testosterone

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