
Med. Pr. 2005;56(3)
Does exogenous melatonin prove to be effective in the prevention and treatment of pathologies associated with shift and night workś
Czy egzogenna melatonina może być skuteczna w profilaktyce i leczeniu zaburzeń związanych z pracą zmianową i nocnąś
Bartosz Bilski1, Stanisław Perz2, Katarzyna Perz3
1 Z Katedry Profilaktyki Zdrowotnej
2 Z Katedry Medycyny Ratunkowej i Katastrof
3 Z Katedry Optometrii i Biologii Układu Wzrokowego
Akademii Medycznej im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu


The current data concerning the efficacy of exogenous melatonin treatment, especially with respect to night-shift workers, are presented. Therapy of sleep disorders experienced by night-shift workers is not always successful. To assess the results of melatonin therapy in shift workers, it is essential to perform extensive analyses of numerous physiological functions that may be affected by this work system as well as of possible late health effects in this group of workers. It is also necessary to establish indications and conditions for this kind of therapy. We may suspect that both night-shift work tolerance and efficacy of melatonin therapy are different in individual workers, and thus the choice of therapy should be based on a thorough examinationof each workerśs psycho-somatic conditions.

Key words

melatonin, shift work, night work

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