
Med. Pr. 2006;57(1):21-24
Sick building syndrome due to exposure to pentachlorophenol in the office: A case report
Narażenie na pentachlorofenol podczas pracy biurowej przyczyną "Sick building syndrome" - opis przypadku klinicznego
Tomasz Wittczak, Wojciech Dudek, Jolanta Walusiak, Anna Krakowiak, Cezary Pałczyński
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland


"Sick building syndrome" (SBS) is a group of symptoms experienced by people working in various buildings. This or another term "building-related illness"(BRI) is used to define illnesses related to modern buildings, mainly offices, in which people spend many working hours. SBS applies to a group of diseases with a fairly homogenous clinical picture and etiology (specific - infectious, allergic and non-specific - for example irritant symptoms). A case of a 51-year-old non-smoking female office worker is reported. After having her working premise renovated, she started to suffer from irritation of mucous membrane of the throat, sore throat and dysphonia. She claimed that these symptoms were associated with exposure to pentachlorophenol (PCP) emitted bythe elements of ceiling impregnated with PCP-containing varnish. The concentration of PCP was below the hygiene standards adopted for the work environment. There were no grounds for recognizing occupational intoxication, but. the case met the criteria for the sick building syndrome.

Key words

sick building syndrome, pentachlorophenol, office worker

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