
Med. Pr. 2006;57(1):47-52
Selected work-related health problems in drivers of public transport vehicles
Wybrane problemy zdrowotne związane z pracą kierowców pojazdów komunikacji miejskiej
Jadwiga Siedlecka
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland


The literature data and our own studies show that in drivers of public transport vehicles, largely intensified work-related risk factors for arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, duodenal and gastric ulcer diseases and back pain syndrome are found. These involves occupational risk factors as well as classic ones, such as obesity, limited physical activity or tobacco smoking. Among occupational risk factors, stress induced by the responsibility for assuring public safety in heavy urban traffic,time pressure and contacts with passengers predominate. Other burdens observed in this occupational group include specific, partly forced, position of the body at work and the shift work system. Exposure to chemical agents present in exhaust gas may increase the incidence of cancer at some sites in this group of drivers. Multifaceted burdens occurring in this occupation may impair health, leading to temporary or permanent disability to work. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop specific preventive programs addressed to this occupational group not only because of economic reasons, but mostly to increase public transport safety.

Key words

work-related risk factors, drives of public transport

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