
Med. Pr. 2006;57(2):115-122
Analysis of the competences of workplace inspecting laboratories for the determination of free crystalline silica (FCS), based on proficiency testing results
Analiza kompetencji laboratoriów badań środowiska pracy do prowadzenia oznaczeń wolnej krystalicznej krzemionki (WKK), na podsta
Aleksandra Maciejewska
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland


Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate and analyze the technical competences of workplace inspection laboratories for the determination of free crystalline silica (FCS). Material and Methods: The study was based on the results oftwo series of control determinations carried out under the proficiency testing scheme in 2005 and the outcome of the questionnaire on analytical details and the quality system of laboratories. The mean values of proficiency indicies and the frequency ofthe obtained satisfactory performances were adopted as the basis of laboratory competences comparisons. Results and Conclusions: In total, 138 laboratories participated in the study, including 104 laboratories covered by one series and 34 by bothseries of determinations. Satisfactory technical competences were found in 77% of laboratories, regardless of their type and analytical methods applied. It was shown that the positive proficiency appraisal was linked with the regular application of quality control methods, i.e. internal control of FCS determination quality, the participation in laboratory proficiency testing and laboratory accreditation. The analytical equipment and mode of determining crystalline silica with use of the chemical method had no significant effect on the analytical performance.

Key words

free crystalline silica, proficiency testing, analytical performance

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