
Med. Pr. 2006;57(5):469-474
Diabetes mellitus: an issue for medical certification
Cukrzyca - nierozwiązany problem orzeczniczy
Dorota Chromińska-Szosland, Andrzej Marcinkiewicz
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland


Diabetes mellitus is a progressive and complex disorder that is difficult to treat effectively in the long term. The number of people with diabetes and other glucose impairments is increasing due to population growth, aging, urbanization, and physical inactivity. In Poland, it has been estimated that there are about two million people with diabetes, half of them are not aware of their illness. Hypoglycemia is the most common and potentially most serious adverse effect of pharmacotherapy in diabetes, regardless of the model of treatment. The potential risk factors for severe hypoglycemia in subjects with treated diabetes are: physical activity, lifestyle circumstances, irregular eating habits, drug interaction or shift work.Therefore, there is an urgent need to set criteria and recommendations for medical certification of individuals working or taking up the job connected with public safety, where diabetes could have a particularly important and dangerous impact.

Key words

diabetes, hypoglycemia, prophylactic examinations

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