
Med. Pr. 2006;57(6):543-549
Mechanisms and toxic effects of lead on the cardiovascular system
Mechanizmy i skutki toksycznego oddziaływania ołowiu na układ krążenia
Marcin Zawadzki, Rafał Poręba, Paweł Gać
Medical University of Wrocław, Poland


Exposure to lead is still one of essential health problems in our country. Current views on mechanisms and toxic effects of lead on the cardiovascular system are presented. Special attention is paid to changes in the heart morphology and physiology resulting from longterm exposure to lead, the effect of lead on the muscular coat and endothelium of blood vessels, changes in the metabolism of erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes in persons chronically exposed to lead as well as to the relation between lead and hypertensive and atherosclerotic illnesses induced by changes in the structure and function of the cardiovascular system. The described effects of lead exposure should encourage us to further reduction of occupational and environmental exposure to this metal and controversies that still exist to continue research in this field.

Key words

lead, cardiovascular system, occupational exposure

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