
Med. Pr. 2006;57(6):551-555
The role of psychological factors and psychiatric disorders in skin diseases
Rola czynników psychologicznych i zaburzeń psychicznych w chorobach skóry
Marta Kieć-świerczyńskaBohdan DudekBeata KręciszDominika świerczyńska-MachuraWojciech Dudek3, Adrianna GarnczarekKatarzyna Turczyn
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łodś, Poland


In this paper, the relation between psychological factors and psychiatric disorders in patients with skin diseases is discussed. On the one hand psychological factors (stress, negative emotions) can influence the generation and aggravation of skin disorders (urticaria, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo), on the other hand psychological disorders can result in some skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis). In the majority of cases the quality of life is poorly estimated by patients with skin problems. Psychodermatology is divided into three categories according to the relationship between skin diseases and mental disorders: 1) psychophysiologic disorders caused by skin diseases triggering different emotional states (stress), but not directly combined with mental disorders (psoriasis, eczema); 2) primary psychiatric disorders responsible for self-induced skin disorders (trichotillomania); and 3) secondary psychiatric disorders caused by disfiguring skin (ichthyosis, acne conglobata, vitiligo), which can lead to states of fear, depression or suicidal thoughts.

Key words

skin diseases, psychological disorders, psychiatric disorders

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