
Med. Pr. 2000;(14)
Toxic contaminants in food of animal origin in Poland
Toksyczne zanieczyszczenia żywności pochodzenia zwierzęcego w Polsce
J. Żmudzki, A. Niewiadowska, J. Szkoda, S. Semeniuk


In view of the new European Communities strategy for food safety, the national residue control programs have to be aimed at identifying factors hazardous to human health. A random sampling system should be replaced by the targeting approach, particularly in the control of anabolics, the banned substances and veterinary drugs. The new rules for the chemical residue control of food of animal origin in the European Union and the associate countries are laid down in Directive 96/23/EC.
At present, themajority of European countries, including Poland implement two residue programs:
- classical monitoring (random sampling); and
- inspection control (targeting sampling).
The regular studies carried out under both residue programs indicatethat Polish food of animal origin contains low levels of pesticides, PCB, heavy metals, veterinary drugs and other toxic substances and that it is safe for consumers.

Key words

chemical residue program, food of animal origin

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