
Med. Pr. 2011;62(6):565-565


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Last year marked the 60th anniversary of issuing "Medycyna Pracy", which still enjoys a remarkable interest of specialists in the field of toxicology, ergonomics, psychology, occupational health and safety, physical, biological and chemical hazards, occupational pathology and occupational diseases, epidemiology and environmental protection as well as many other areas that make up the extensive domain of occupational medicine. We are most pleased to announce that 2011 became the turning point for our bimonthly publication. It was granted impact factor (IF2010 = 0.268) that in the modern world of science is a measure of the substantive quality of a scientific journal and that significantly increases its rank. Through obtaining IF2010, "Medycyna Pracy" was placed among 122 Polish periodicals registered by the Journal Citation Reports.
"Medycyna Pracy" is issued in Polish. However, since the magazine has been present for many years in international summary databases, all articles have an English version of the title, abstract, keywords, tables and figures. This ensures access to the published content for readers from all over the world. It is for them and also with the intention to care for the ongoing development of the magazine that we have decided - starting from issue 1/2012 - to accept for printing original papers and case reports that are written in English (see the instructions for the authors).
We wish to assure you that we make every effort for "Medycyna Pracy" to be the source of highly specialized knowledge raising the professional qualifications in the area of workers' health and their working environment. Thank you for your input into these activities. We hope that you will continue to entrust us with the results of your work and to familiarize yourselves with the content of the consecutive issues.

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