
Med. Pr. 2001;52(6)
Assessment of low frequeny noise anoyance in steering premises according to subjective annoyance rating by workers. A pilot study
Ocena uciążliwości hałasu niskocyęstotliwościowego w pomieszczeniach sterowniczych wg subiektywnej oceny pracowników - wyniki ba
M. Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyńska, A. Dudarewicz, M. Waszkowska


The study covered 192 workers aged 26-62 years (mean 41 ą 6), employed at workposts in the control rooms. A questionnaire was applied as a main tool of the study. The aim of the study was subjective annoyance rating of low frequency noise at workplaces on a 100-degree rating scale.
Using the same scale,the study subjects rated annoyance of reference wide-band noise (60 ą 2, 70 ą 2, 75 ą 2 and 80 ą 2 dB(A) and reference low frequency noise (65 ą 2, 70 ą 2, 75 ą 2 and 80 ą 2 dB(A) reproduced by phones. Questionnaire inquires were preceded by the measurements of A-, C- and G-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure levels (L A eq,T, L C eq,T i L G eq,T ).
Noise with prominent low frequency components (10-250 Hz) at A-weighted sound pressure level of 47.7-65.2 dB was assessed as more than somewhat annoying (more than 25 degrees on the 100-degree annoyance rating scale) by 70% of workers examined. No correlation between subjective annoyance rating of the noise at the workplaces and L A eq,T or L G eq,T was noted. Statistically significant correlation (r = 0.23) between subjective annoyance rating and L C eq,T was observed. The subjective rating of annoyance of the reproducedlow frequency noise and wide-band noise differed significantly. Low frequency noise was rated as more annoying than wide-band noise at the same A-weighted sound pressure levels.

Key words

low frequency noise, occupational exposure, noise measurements, annoyance, subjective rating

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