
Med. Pr. 2005;56(1)
Biomechanical analysis of dynamics and statics of the motion organ in instrumentalists
Analiza biomechaniczna dynamiki i statyki narządu ruchu u muzyków instrumentalistów
Mirosław Janiszewski1, Grzegorz Gałuszka2, Agnieszka Ochwanowska2, Aneta Gąciarz2, Aneta Hak2, Paweł Ochwanowski3, Renata Gałuszka4, Marcin Oryniak4
1 Z Kliniki Rehabilitacji
Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
2 Z Agencji Usług Medycznych i Rehabilitacyjnych "MAXMED" w Kielcach
3 Z Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogiki Resocjalizacyjnej w Warszawie
4 Z Instytutu Kształcenia Medycznego
Akademii świętokrzyskiej w Kielcach


Background: Biomechanical measurements of the motion organ in musicians are a separate issue of studies because of specific conditioning of complex motion functions which can be observed during playing an instrument. Materials and Methods:The study was carried out in a group of 368 instrumentalists, taking into consideration the measurement of biomechanical parameters before, during and after musical performance. Results: An analysis of adduction in the shoulder joint during playing an instrument showed that the largest average abduction angle appears in cellists, bassists, pianists and flutists, and it is larger in the left arm in the case of the double bass, and in the right arm in the case of the flute. The lowest average values are lowest in violinists and violists, but the static adduction of their right arm is remarkably larger. Conclusions: The study proves that playing an instrument causes specific load of the motion organ, both static and dynamic.

Key words

musicians, motion organ, biomechanical measurement

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