
Med. Pr. 2005;56(1)
Specific occupational hazards and their health effects among dental technicians
Konsekwencje zdrowotne narażenia zawodowego techników dentystycznych
Bartosz Bilski1, Milena Połczyńska2
1 Z Katedry Profilaktyki Zdrowotnej
Akademii Medycznej im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu
2 Z Medycznego Studium Zawodowego nr 2 w Poznaniu


The authors describe specific hazards occurring at workplaces of dental technicians. Exposure to chemical and biological factors in particular and their health effects are presented in detail. Among chemical factors, a specific danger is associated withallergens (methyl metacrylate, metals, latex, tiurams), which may lead to the development of pneumoconiosis. In the authors' opinion, exposures to biological hazards need an extensive analysis. A thorough, hygiene and epidemiological study of occupational exposure and its health effects among dental technicians in Poland would be also very useful.

Key words

dental technician, occupational hazards, metyl metacrylate, pneumoconiosis, biohazards

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