
Med. Pr. 2005;56(3)
Efficacy of therapeutic exercises in low back pain surveyed in a group of nurses
Ocena skuteczności ćwiczeń leczniczych w dolegliwościach bólowych dolnego odcinka kręgosłupa u pielęgniarek
Sylwia Rok, Marcin Wytrążek, Bartosz Bilski
Z Katedry Profilaktyki Zdrowotnej
Akademii Medycznej im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu


Background:Materials and Methods: A questionnaire survey covered a group of 102 active nurses, being at the same time part-time students of the Poznań Medical University. Results: The study revealed very frequent low back complaints among the nurses. The application of simple physical exercises proved to be effective, but not all the nurses followed the prescribed program of exercises. There was a positive correlation between the intensity and frequency of pains, duration of employment, and the range of responsibilities. Conclusions: After completing the prescribed program of exercises
a significant alleviation of back pains was observed in the study group. The exercises were recognized as efficacious, uncomplicated, and providing relief. Although over a half of nurses under study did not practice exercises twice a day, as recommended, as many as 88% of nurses are going to continue the program of kinesitherapy in the future.

Key words

kinesitherapy, low back pain, nurses

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