
Med. Pr. 2005;56(4)
Health reasons for work disability among municipal transport drivers
Zdrowotne przyczyny niezdolności do pracy wśród kierujących pojazdami komunikacji miejskiej
Zuzanna Szubert. Wojciech Sobala
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
Łódź, Poland


Background: The health condition of public transport drivers is one of the factors playing a role in assuring safety of passengers taking use of this kind of transportation means. Therefore, the assessment of pathologies occurring in this occupational group is essential from the prevention point of view. Drivers employed in the municipal transport system are at particular risk. The aim of the study was to define health reasons of work disability among bus and tram drivers in general and to indicate pathologies responsible for disabilities in particular. Materials and Methods: The study covered 940 drivers (including 788 men and 152 women) employed in a municipal transportation enterprise during the years 1996ś2000. Bus (30%) and tram (22%) drivers as well as transport service workers (48%), aged over 45 years, but under the retirement age, were eligible for the study. The analysis of temporary work disability during a five-year period was based on sickness absence, sickness absence rateand the average duration of sickness absence. Results: The analysis revealed that diseases of the circulatory system form the major group of pathologies responsible for total sickness absence among bus drivers (43%), tram drivers (27%) and transport service workers (27%). These disease are also a leading cause of earlier retirement. They mostly include ischemic heart disease in bus drivers and hypertension in tram drivers. Cancers (pleura, kidney and eye) were responsible for 9% of sickness absence in the group of male tram drivers, whereas endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders (diabetes, disorders of thyroid gland) in 16% of female tram drivers. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system were major causes of sicknessabsence among female tram drivers (24%), whereas malignant and benign neoplasms of breast and uterine myoma in 24% of female transport service workers. Conclusions: The results of the analysis are in agreement with the literature findings and provide explicit evidence that employment in the municipal transport system is the risk factor responsible for the development of serious diseases such as musculoskeletal disorders and neoplasms. Bearing this in mind, this occupational group (bus and tram drivers) should be covered by specially designed prevention programs to protect them against these pathologies, turning special attention to health promotion at and outside workplace.

Key words

sickness absence, disability pensions, bus drivers, tram drivers

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