
Med. Pr. 2006;57(1):15-19
Influence of shift work on the diet and gastrointestinal complains among nurses. A pilot study
Wpływ pracy zmianowej na sposób odżywiania się i patologię przewodu pokarmowego wśród pielęgniarek - wyniki badania pilotowego
Bartosz Bilski
Poznań University of Medical Science, Poland


Background: The work of nurses in hospitals is connected with shift and night work. Numerous publications suggest that shift work is responsible for some gastrointestinal disturbances (heartburn, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, stomach pain). It is not yet conclusive whether shift and night work is responsible for more frequent occurrence of chronic gastric and duodenal ulcer diseases. The aim of the study was to preliminary assess the quality of meals consumed at night and nutrition habits among nurses as well as to compare the use of stimulants in the groups of shift and non-shift nurses. Material and Methods: The analysis was carried in the population of 171 nurses working in shifts and at night and 70 non-shift nurses, aged 22ś50 years (mean, 34.1 years) with job seniority from 1 to 31 years (mean, 12.5 years). Results: Only 17 (9.9%) nurses consumed a warm meal at night shift (however, mostly occasional and hard to digest). As many as 13 (7.6%) nurses consumed no meals, and 17 (9.9%) drank only coffee. Statistically significant irregularity in defecation was observed in nurses working in shifts. The frequency of other gastrointestinal complains was not statistically significant, but their occurrence should probably be studied in a larger group of subjects as the differences in the frequency of non-specific stomach pains and constipation were observed in both groups (more frequently in nurses working in shifts). Appetite disturbances were characteristic of nurses after night shift. No significant differences were found in the incidence of gastric ulcer and irritable ileum syndrome, but there was a relationship between more frequent incidence of irritable ileum syndrome and personal situation of nurses. Conclusions: Thenurses working at night most often consumed cold meals and drank daily more coups of coffee. Some gastrointestinal complains were observed more frequently, but this requires further studies in a larger group of nurses. It is important to analyze the socio-economic conditions of shift nurses in Poland.

Key words

dispeptic distrubance, gastric ulcer, nurses, shift and night work

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