
Med. Pr. 2006;57(2):97-100
New image of occupational medicine - current problems, future solutions
Nowe oblicze medycyny pracy - aktualne problemy, przyszłe rozwiązania
Ryszard Andrzejak, Bogusław Beck. Joanna Urban
Medical University of Wrocław, Poland


Current problems in occupational medicine result mainly from the situation in which existing structures are not appropriately adapted to the changes in economy, work market structures and social and demographic trends, which rapidly appeared within the last decade. The Act of Occupational Medicine Service in force precisely defines the duties of occupational medicine services. However, although the legal powers seem clear and detailed, the possibility of real actions is not put in order and encounters many barriers. The changes in structures of economy, enterprises and work market result in the situation in which despite the obligatory preventive examination system, there is a large group of people that are not subject to them. Care of workers in bigger companies or institutions is also the source of problems concerning mainly the examination range, but also the identification of new threats connected with ergonomics, psychological or biological factors; their limiting, monitoring and prevention. A broad issue of provided service qualities is closely connected with the problems mentioned above. Another question is defining the quality control system, the execution of post-control suggestions and the possibility of applying possible sanctions. A significant task is also to modify the examining and specialization acquirement system. In the creation of the new image of occupational medicine in Poland the most significant issue is to correct the current legal grounds by introducing new standards of health protection for working people, enable to provide high- quality services, create the conditions for functioning of multidiscipline teams preventively caring of working people, being a guarantee of health and economic benefits for the society.

Key words

structure of occupational medicine, problems in occupational medicine, multidisciplinary teams in occupational medicine

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