
Med. Pr. 2006;57(3):225-234
Occupational diseases in Poland, 2005
Choroby zawodowe stwierdzone w Polsce w 2005 r.
Urszula Wilczyńska, Neonila Szeszenia-Dąbrowska, Wiesław Szymczak
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland


Background: The aim of this paper was to present basic statistical data on occupational diseases diagnosed and certified in 2005. Materials and Methods: This work is based on the data compiled from "Occupational Disease Reporting Forms" received by the Central Register of Occupational Diseases in 2005. The data comprised information on individual diseases, gender and age of patients, and duration of occupational exposure to harmful agents responsible for the development of specified pathologies. These data were further classified by sectors of the national economy and voivodships (provinces). The incidence was specified in terms of the number of cases per 100 000 paid employees and per 100 000 employed persons. Results: In Poland,the number of occupational diseases diagnosed in 2005 accounted for 3249 cases. The incidence rate was 34.8 cases per 100 000 paid employees. The highest incidence rates were noted for: chronic disorders of the voice organ (7.3 per 100 000), pneumoconioses (7.2), infectious and parasitic diseases (6.6) and permanent bilateral hearing loss (3.6). As much as 73.0% of patients affected by occupational diseases had been exposed to harmful agents for more than 20 years. In the industrial sectors of the national economy, the highest incidence was noted among workers employed in the mining industry (281.7 cases per 100 000 paid employees), particularly in coal mining (325.2). The highest incidence rates were recorded in the Podlaskie (87.3), Lubelskie (82.1), and Silesian (66.3) voivodships. Conclusion: The incidence of occupational diseases in Poland continues to abate. The downward trend is primarily due to a lower incidence of chronic diseases of the voice organ and hearing loss. However, an increased number of cases of infectious and parasitic diseases, mainly borreliosis, was revealed.

Key words

occupational diseases, register, incidence

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