
Med. Pr. 2006;57(5):479-484
Psychological effects of road accidents: a challenge for public health
Psychologiczne skutki uczestnictwa w wypadkach drogowych - wyzwanie dla zdrowia publicznego
Małgorzata Waszkowska, Dorota Merecz
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland


The authors discuss psychological consequences of road accidents and the need for providing support for the victims and their families. The most common psychological effects include mental health problems, increased use of psychotropic drugs, and difficulty in performing occupational functions. Therefore, it is necessary to remodel the system of traffic safety and supplement it with a comprehensive system of support for both direct victims of accidents and their close relatives. To reach this goal, we need to develop optimal conditions for multidisciplinary research to investigate the effects of road accidents in Poland. This would make it possible to design effective psychological treatment and develop an institutional system for relevant support. However, some preventive measures can be taken right now, e.g., early intervention for severely injured victims during their hospital stay or providing support for non-injured victims and their families.

Key words

mental health, psychological disturbances, road accidents

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