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Med. Pr. 2004;55(3)


Original papers

Barbara Harazin, Grzegorz Zieliński
Occupational exposure to hand-transmitted vibration in Poland
Med. Pr. 2004;55(3)
[Abstract en] [Abstract pl] [Full text (PDF)]
Bartosz Bilski
Management of cytostatic drugs by nurses: an analysis of preliminary results
Med. Pr. 2004;55(3)
[Abstract en] [Abstract pl] [Full text (PDF)]
Jacek Pyżalski, Patrycja Wojtaszczyk
Activities of occupational medicine physicians in the area of workplace health promotion
Med. Pr. 2004;55(3)
[Abstract en] [Abstract pl] [Full text (PDF)]
Zuzanna Szubert, Wojciech Sobala
Health reasons for work disability among persons before going into early retirement
Med. Pr. 2004;55(3)
[Abstract en] [Abstract pl] [Full text (PDF)]
Krzysztof Puchalski
Healthy behavior and reasons behind it in the perception of workers employed in medium-size and large enterprises
Med. Pr. 2004;55(3)
[Abstract en] [Abstract pl] [Full text (PDF)]

Review papers

Piotr Sakowski
Protection of health care workers from occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens: problem approach in legislative and other documents adopted in different countries
Med. Pr. 2004;55(3)
[Abstract en] [Abstract pl] [Full text (PDF)]
Justyna Słoma-Kuczyńska, Bartosz Bilski
Primary prevention in workers exposed to ultraviolet radiation and radiation-related risks
Med. Pr. 2004;55(3)
[Abstract en] [Abstract pl] [Full text (PDF)]
Marta Wiszniewska, Jolanta Walusiak, Beata Gutarowska, Zofia Żakowska, Cezary Pałczyński
Moulds - occupational and environmental hazards
Med. Pr. 2004;55(3)
[Abstract en] [Abstract pl] [Full text (PDF)]
Marta Kieć-świerczyńska, Beata Kręcisz, Dominika świerczyńska-Machura
Allergy to cosmetics. II. Preservatives
Med. Pr. 2004;55(3)
[Abstract en] [Abstract pl] [Full text (PDF)]
Joanna Jurewicz, Wojciech Hanke, Wojciech Sobala, Alina Buczyńska
Current use of pesticides in poland and the risk of reproductive disorders
Med. Pr. 2004;55(3)
[Abstract en] [Abstract pl] [Full text (PDF)]

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