4-COT Foundation for research in Poland

Origins of the foundation established by Liliana and Mirosław Stasik should be looked for in the critical condition of Polish science at the end of XX century, when a Committee for the Rescue of  Polish Science (current name Committee for the Development of Science in Poland) was founded in Warsaw. The difficult situation of Polish research became a stimulus to create
a noble initiative that provided the group of young, talented researchers with opportunities for development, by organizing internships at university centers on the West, simultaneously contributing to the reduction of Polish science deadlock.
Foundation Appointment Selection of founders of the Foundation focused on young researchers from the Nofer Institute of Occupational Institute in Lodz. Stasik’s professional and scientific relationship with the Institute goes back to the 60s, when as a scientific employee and II degree specialist in the field of internal medicine Stasik became a manager of the Department of Acute Poisonings, NIOM. In this role he has created foundations of toxicological information in Poland, as well as in 1968 organized a Conference of Regional Centers of Toxicological Information. Among his scientific publications from that time a unique work on the toxicity of tetraethyl lead in humans (Archives of Toxicology. 1969; 24 (4): 283-291), based on numerous cases of hospitalized patients at the Department of Acute Poisonings, NIOM has to be mentioned.

Meeting of  Mirosław Stasik, PhD with the director of the Institute – prof. Konrad Rydzyński, which took place during the International Congress of Occupational Health organized in Singapore in 2000, where both researchers presented their toxicological works, was an important event in the establishment of the Foundation.
In the latter discussions held in the Institute, a specific educational project of a Foundation financing internships of Polish researchers on the West was being developed. In April 2001 prof. Konrad Rydzyński was appointed a board member of the Foundation. Simultaneously, painstaking efforts for a permission to establish the Foundation by the Office for the Supervision of the Foundations in Darmstadt, as well as the consent of the tax office in Wiesbaden were made. Overcoming bureaucratic barriers ended in October 2001 with an Act recognizing 4-COT Foundation as established.

Name of the Foundation commemorates a landmark discovery of Stasik, PhD i.e., carcinogenicity of 4-Chloro-o-toluidine (4-COT).
Stasik MJ: Carcinomas of the urinary bladder in a 4-chloro-o-toluidine cohort. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 1988; 60 (1): 21-24.

The capital of the Foundation, which was a subject of authorization, was 130.000 HOUSE (260.000 PLN), which is currently equal to 66.467 Euro. The money came from gratuities that Liliana and Mirosław Stasik obtained when leaving their jobs before retirement age. This amount was used to buy  securities on the stock exchange in Frankfurt, and the dividends in the years 2002 – 2015 were used to fund research internships for doctors, a biochemist, a physicist and a clinical analyst in prestigious Western university centers.
Education in the field of occupational medicine

Every single time the Director of the Institute participated in the recruitment of candidates for international internships. Documented applications of candidates willing to take part in the internship, who were accepted by the President of the  4-COT Foundation - Mirosław Stasik,
a certified toxicologist (University of Surrey, United Kingdom), were sent to the Foundation headquarter in Niedernhausen.
Majority of the researchers took part in one-month internship in the Institut für Prävention und Arbeitsmedizin der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung – IPA and in the Institute der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. The first one started in 2002 and it was Jolanta Walusiak, PhD who took part in it.
Participation of scientists from the clinical department was preferred.
A two-month internship of Joanna Domienik, PhD (a physist) in the Foothills Medical Center, University of Calgary, in Canada was also a success. Two internships in famous Imperial College London, School of Medicine in Great Britain were also obtained. Diana Tymoszuk - a physician, finished her internship there in November 2015. For two young scientists and employees of NIOM, the internships were a source of expansion of knowledge during their open doctoral theses, and the two former trainees completed their habilitation.

Thanks to the grants (awards) of the 4-COT Foundation amounting 5,000 DM (currently 2.500 Euro) young researchers from the Institute of Occupational Medicine were able to educate themselves in prestigious Western universities simultaneously deepening their knowledge, inter alia, in the field of asthma and occupational allergy, immunology, modern techniques in radiology. They also got familiar with the current state of knowledge in molecular biology and its research methods.

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