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Polish Medical Platform | Operational Programme “Innovative economy” (POIG)

Polish Medical Platform – knowledge management and research potential portal
Project implemented under the Operational Program Digital Poland

Sub-measure 2.3.1. Digital sharing of public sector information from administrative and learning resources
Type II of the project: Digital sharing of learning resources
Delivery time: 01.11.2017 - 31.10.2020

The project assumes the creation of the Polish Medical Platform, a comprehensive information management system about publications, scientific achievements and research.

The leader of the project is the Library of Wroclaw Medical University.
Partners of the project are the library of Bialystok Medical University, Gdańsk Medical University, Medical University of Silesia, Lublin Medical University, the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Warsaw Medical University, and the Library of Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Lodz.
Thanks to information collected, Polish Medical platform will improve the visibility of the achievements of Polish Medicine in the world and will facilitate establishing scientific contacts  and cooperation between research centers and entrepreneurs interested in the commercialization of research results.
The common repository, which is an element of Polish Medical Platform, collecting digital objects in one place will be the implementation of recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, formulated in the "Directions for the development of open access to publications and research results in Poland", resulting from the European Commission recommendation of 17 July 2012 on access to and protection of scientific information.

It is assumed that the implemented system will have a current software update that meets the latest metadata standards, assigning permanent digital identifiers and exchanging data with external systems of global nature. The tools used will make it possible to search the content of the repository by search engines of the Google Scholar type. The author will be able to transfer his work to the repository in the original form or in the version closest to the published. Before entering the work to the repository, it will be checked in the SHERPA / RoMEO database (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/), where the publishers' policy on the free sharing of publications is presented.

The platform will work on commonly used mobile devices (such as smartphones, tablets, etc.) that use the most popular operating systems, such as Android and iOS. The system will be adjusted to the most popular browsers. It will work with the latest stable versions of browsers such as: Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer (Edge, IE 11). The platform will be able to function in open-source solutions.

Because the platform will be accessible through the browser, it will be possible to use any applications adjusted to the browser, which will satisfy the individual needs of stakeholders, for example visually impaired, such as reading texts, charts, etc.

Polish Medical Platform will have an integrated system of statistics for monitoring sharing / using of data. Both the platform and the support system in each institution will consist not only of intuitive records of the circulation of scientific information and user interfaces that encourage the researchers to collect relevant data, but also will have a reporting module with many functionalities.

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