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Study on the importance of epigenetic processes in the pathogenesis of mastocytosis in hope of finding new therapeutic strategies. VII edition of the Grants of the Polpharma Foundation (with the Medical
University of Gdańsk)

Pathophysiology of depression: molecular regulation of melatonin homeostasis. OPUS 2016/23/B/NZ5/02634 (with the Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznan)

Warburg effect in breast cancer - the role of cadmium as an activator of the HIF-1 alpha factor. SONATA 2016/23/D/NZ7/03645.

Expression of the MHCI antigen presentation pathway in patients with non-invasive bladder cancer. PRELUDIUM 2016/23/N/NZ5/01408.

High risk cancer genetic test based on blood / serum concentrations of selected metals - Cd, Ni, Cr, Pb, Hg, and genes of metabolizing enzymes. (as a co-contractor with  the Department of Biological Monitoring and the Environment). PBS3/B7/26/2015.


Study on evaluating the methylation profile of promoter regions and expression of circadian genes in breast cancer (2015-2018) 2014/15/N/NZ5/01671

Assessment of individual biological response to selenium supplementation, depending on the genetic polymorphism selenoproteins. (2011–2014). MNiSzW 1666/B/P01/2011/40.

Expression of selenoproteins and NRF2-modulated genes in bladder cancer ethiology and disease process. (2013–2016). MNiSzW 2012/05/B/NZ5/01406.

Effect of different exposure of arsenic and cadmium level on Nrf2-Keap1 pathway-main system in adaptive response to protect against toxic agents. (2013–2016). MNiSzW 2012/07/B/NZ7/04257.

CLOCKSHIFT, Breast cancer risk and epigenetic effects of the rotating night shift work and lifestyle (2013–2016). PNRF/EOG 89/2013.

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