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CIE  Toolkit (2008–2011) – The Public Health Response to Chemical Incident Emergencies Toolkit

The Public Health Response to Chemical Incidents and Emergencies (CIE) Toolkit was a collaborative project involving partners from across Europe. Nofer Institute of Occupational medicine was one of them.The aim of the project was to reduce the burden of disease related to chemical incidents by strengthening the national and international public health response. It achieved this through the development of a source of relevant material, in the form of a toolkit, along with a training manual, thereby enabling participating member states to address specific training needs. The establishment of a network of experts was also put in place which was capable of delivering appropriate training on request such as ‘train the trainer’ courses, as well as delivering courses tailored to meet the needs of individual Member States.

The project was aimed at improvement of risk awareness and ability to communicate within Europe in order to facilitate communication in case of  chemical incidents. Understanding psychological consequences and concern and care for the affected by the use of chemicals population, as well as communication with the public regarding their needs were also the goals of the project. Therefore, primary objective of the project was to encourage and support the user of the toolkit, which includes the training manual.

It is hoped that these tools will be used across all European countries by public health professionals and public health authorities. Successful promotion and uptake of the materials and tools provided should result in a more standardized approach to chemical incident planning, preparedness, response and recovery across Europe, as well as the building of internationally comparable data sets allowing for more effective use of data collected during follow-up studies.

Project manager: Dorota Chromińska-Szosland, PhD

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