Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology and Epidemiology of the Occupational and Environmental Cancer EPIMOL
On entering the postgenomic era, the Centre for Molecular Biology and Epidemiology of Occupational & Environmental Cancer (EPIMOL) was established in 2001 within the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine (NIOM), Lodz, Poland, to improve the harmonization of research performed in different departments of the Nofer Institute (Toxicology and Carcinogenesis, Environmental Epidemiology, Pathomorphology). However, shortly it was recognized that for the further development of the Centre there were several limitations. One of them was a great demand for a transfer of know-how on designing projects on population exposure to potential carcinogens that would employ the biomarkers of exposure, individual susceptibility and effects. In order to fill the knowledge gaps in 2002 EPIMOL successfully applied for the Marie-Curie project “Transfer of Knowledge in Molecular Biology and Epidemiology of Occupational  and Environmental Cancer” (EPI-TOK; N° MTKD_CT-2004-509829, 2004-2008). The overall aim of the project was to enhance the process of reorienting the research activities of the EPIMOL Centre towards advanced molecular biology and epidemiology of occupational & environmental cancer. To achieve this aim, a two-tier transfer of knowledge was implemented within the Marie Curie action. The first tier included a series of visits of experienced researchers to the EPIMOL Centre, while the second one consisted in the training of EPIMOL researchers at partner institutions. The specific objectives of the transfer of knowledge were to develop competence and practical skills in the following areas:

1. Application of novel exposure biomarkers and bio-indicators to cancer risk assessment

2. Assessment of DNA damage and repair mechanism in carcinogenesis

3. Application of cytogenetic methods for detecting changes at chromosomal level

4. Analysis of genetic polymorphism and expression patterns of metabolising enzymes as applied to environmental carcinogenesis

5. Performance of epidemiological studies and data analysis


Specific skills acquired by EPIMOL CoE epidemiology researchers within EpiTok project
The team of epidemiologist at EPIMOL specializes in investigating environmental causes of the diseases, in particular occupational causal risk factors, which is in line with the Nofer Institute main mission. High quality epidemiological experience has been gained through organization and conducting of cross-sectional studies and large cohort mortality studies that have been carried out in various occupational settings (e.g. cohorts of rubber, asbestos, paper, viscose rayon plants workers). During the last few years staff of Department of Epidemiology was extensively trained mainly within EU EpiTok fellowships program, and participated in several multinational, multicentre case-control epidemiological projects (in cooperation with National Cancer Institute, IRAS and IARC, among other) that focused on the environmental, lifestyle and genetic causes of various cancers (lung, laryngeal, breast, ovarian, endometrial cancer). The team has possessed an excellent practical skills in epidemiological study designing, field works organization, excellent links and cooperation with clinicians, and lab staff, handling  study logistics, data collection, and data managing, and analyzing. However, the analyses carried out by EPIMOL Centre epidemiologists till date have relied mostly on the data collected through traditional epidemiological methods (questionnaires based and data on exposure obtained from the industry).

Specific skills acquired by EPIMOL CoE toxicology researchers within EpiTok project
The toxicologists from EPIMOL Centre for many years have been involved in experimental assessment of chemical toxicity in vitro and in vivo, studies on genotoxic/mutagenic (comet assay, micronucleus test, mouse lymphoma assay), carcinogenic, reproductive, neurotoxic, and pulmonary effects of chemicals. In their routine practice they used recognized methods for exposure monitoring, assessment of early biological effects and metabolic interactions between the chemicals present in the occupational and non-occupational environments, assessment of individual sensitivity to chemical exposure (based on genetic polymorphism) as well as evaluation of oxidative stress parameters and the concentration of essential trace elements in humans under conditions of occupational exposure.

Young EPIMOL Centre researchers trained within the EpiTok fellowship program in recognized European research institutions (RIVM, Bilthoven, the Netherlands; University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy; Institute of Biological Research and Biotechnology, Athens, Greece; Institute of Toxicology, University of Mainz, Germany) gained experience in the field of microarrays techniques, analysis of genetic polymorphism and expression patterns of metabolising enzymes as applied to environmental carcinogenesis, broadened their knowledge in genotoxicity tests, DNA damage signaling pathways, as well as apoptosis assessment. The stuff was also actively involved in designing of experimental studies, performing projects, collecting and analyzing data. The knowledge gained will be of utmost importance for future implementation of modern techniques and conducting studies at cellular/molecular level combining cytology with molecular approaches.

Bridging the experience and achievements of senior EPIMOL Centre researchers with new skills gained by younger generation of scientists of the Centre within EpiTok program already has and certainly will have obvious benefits in the future (List of publications and Table 1. EPIMOL Centre completed/on-going projects). Such amalgamation of knowledge and skills considerably increases the overall potential of EPIMOL Centre in applying for projects at EU as well as national level. Moreover, it might facilitate transformation of EPIMOL Centre into a regional Center of Excellence in the field of environmental cancer research. Such Centre would serve for educational and research purposes for other East-Central European countries. Long term prospective pan-European joint projects on environmental risk factors of major cancers with researchers from such countries would certainly facilitate their scientific integration and increase competitiveness.

Thanks to funding successfully obtained so far, it was possible to establish by EPIMOL Centre a complex network with leading laboratories in Europe and US (Environmental Cancer Risk, Nutrition and Individual Susceptibility, Network of Excellence, ECNIS). It forms a solid ground for further scientific expansion in the area of molecular cancer epidemiology. However, substantial investement in   new skills and equipment is still much needed.

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