Environmental Reproduction Hazards Unit | Maximum Admissible Concentrations Unit | Central Register of Data on Exposure to Carcinogenic or Mutagenic Chemical Substances, Mixtures, Agents or Technological Process

In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health and Welfare (Dz.U. 1996 Nr 101, poz. 473) Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź is on the list of entities authorized to conduct tests of materials and technological processes in terms of physical and chemical harmfulness (http://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/DocDetails.xsp?id=WDU19961010473) in order to determine the degree of their harmfulness to health and the scope of these tests.
Based on Article 220 § 1 of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labour Code "It is unacceptable to use materials and technological processes without first determining the degree of their harmfulness to the health of employees and taking appropriate preventive measures."

In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health and Welfare (Dz.U. 1996 Nr 101, poz. 473) Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Łódź is on the list of entities authorized to conduct tests of materials and technological processes in terms of physical and chemical harmfulness (http://isap.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/DocDetails.xsp?id=WDU19961010473) in order to determine the degree of their harmfulness to health and the scope of these tests.
Based on Article 220 § 1 of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labour Code "It is unacceptable to use materials and technological processes without first determining the degree of their harmfulness to the health of employees and taking appropriate preventive measures."

The offer includes:
1. Human health hazards assessment on the basis of the prepared classification and labelling of substances/mixtures in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC No 1272/2008, CLP) and based on the analysis of the maximum admissible concentration values of harmful chemical agents in the work environment, as well as the value of the derived no-effect level (DNEL).

2. Assessment of human health hazards resulting from the physicochemical properties of substances.

3. Assessment of environmental hazards.

4. Exposure assessment, including workplaces audits and exposure modeling. We use innovative methods of exposure assessment, that do not require measurements - the so-called exposure modeling using mathematical models to predict the concentration of substances in the air of the working environment e.g. ECETOC TRA, MEASE, Stoffenmanager, ART, EMKG Expo Tool.

5. Risk characteristics.

6. Assessment of health risk related to exposure to carcinogens, by quantitative assessment of additional risk related to exposure to tested agent. Methodology applied to evaluation of risk related to exposure to carcinogens was developed in Department of Chemical Safety and enables quantitative assessment of the cancer cases of specific types in persons working in exposure to carcinogen in specific concentration.

7. Classification and labelling of chemical substances and mixtures in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC No 1272/2008 CLP).

8. Development of safety data sheets in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC No 1907/2006 REACH). Preparation of safety data sheets (SDS) for chemical substances/mixtures on the basis of components and concentrations occurring in a given product, as well as preparing SDS based on the documents provided by substance/mixture producer, updating of the existing safety data sheets due to, among others, changing regulations.
Based on Article 222 § 2 of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labour Code „It is unacceptable to use a dangerous substance, a dangerous mixture, a hazardous substance or a hazardous mixture without having an up-to-date list of these substances and mixtures and safety data sheets, as well as packaging protecting against their harmful effects, fire or explosion.”

9. UFI – NEW! Reporting hazardous mixtures to ECHA and generate UFI code.

10. Practical interpretation of the information contained in the exposure scenarios.

11. SEVESO classification of the chemical mixtures.

12. Assessment of materials and technological processes in terms of physical and chemical harmfulness, including technology assessment with a calculation method.

13. Assessment of materials, from which parts are produced and materials used in the production of personal protective equipment in terms of potential impact on the health of the user.

14. Preparation of thematic sets based on a literature review, e.g. licensed databases (TOXINZ, EBSCO), ACGIH documentation, German MAK documentation.

In our Department chemical safety assessment is performed by competent persons, who have received appropriate training in European toxicological risk assessment training programs. Our employees have relevant experience, they have participated in works in this field on the European forum, are lecturers at the postgraduate studies and training courses on the issues of legislation and practice in the field of chemicals, they have also performed innovative chemical safety assessments for workplaces.
We provide services for institutions from the territory of the country.
The prices of the opinion/service are set individually.


Head: Joanna Jurewicz, PhD, prof. of NIOM
phone: 42 63 14 567
e-mail: Joanna.Jurewicz@imp.lodz.pl
Secretariat: Małgorzata Niełaczna
phone: 42 63 14 702
e-mail: bezpieczenstwo.chemiczne@imp.lodz.pl

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