Environmental Reproduction Hazards Unit | Maximum Admissible Concentrations Unit | Central Register of Data on Exposure to Carcinogenic or Mutagenic Chemical Substances, Mixtures, Agents or Technological Process


Head: prof. Sławomir Czerczak, PhD (ORCID: 0000-0002-6371-1120)
phone: 42 63 14 701
e-mail: Slawomir.Czerczak@imp.lodz.pl; bezpieczenstwo.chemiczne@imp.lodz.pl


  • development of documented monographs containing proposals for the maximum admissible concentrations (MAC) of chemical substances, including carcinogenic substances (Directive 2004/37/EC), as part of the work of Expert Group for Chemical and Dust Factors of Interdepartmental Commission for MAC and MAI (EG) on the basis of current scientific data. Documentations are information source on toxic effects and hygienic assessment of chemical agents in work environment for medical services, inspections, working conditions supervision services, employers, employees, downstream users and distributors of chemicals and general public;
  • assessment of hazard and risk posed by chemical substances and proposing MAC values;
  • consultations (telephone, e-mail) regarding chemical substances for which the values of the maximum admissible concentrations in the work environment have been established, in Poland and in the world;
Maximum Admissible Concentrations Unit expands the list of MAC of health harmful factors in the work environment with new chemical substances and verifies already existing values.

The result of the Unit activity are working conditions improvement, reduction of the frequency of occupational diseases and reducing the absence of the employees.
During elaboration of MAC documentation, problems, which result from specificity of analyzed group of substances are solved. Work is done also on solving dilemmas related to the necessity to implement EU legislation in the area of chemicals and current problems of employers resulting from the introduction of new MAC values and the verification of existing standards. The Unit takes into account the current needs of the Polish industry resulting from the development of the latest technologies and the use of new chemicals in technological processes. In addition, it closely cooperates with representatives of industry and working facilities in the field of selecting substances for determining the value of the hygienic standard.

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