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Environmental Reproduction Hazards Unit | Maximum Admissible Concentrations Unit | Central Register of Data on Exposure to Carcinogenic or Mutagenic Chemical Substances, Mixtures, Agents or Technological Process


Head: Joanna Jurewicz, PhD, prof. of NIOM (ORCID: 0000-0001-9645-0134)
phone: 42 63 14 567
e-mail: Joanna.Jurewicz@imp.lodz.pl; bezpieczenstwo.chemiczne@imp.lodz.pl

Unit structure:
Department includes: Environmental Reproduction Hazards Unit and Maximum Admissible Concentrations Unit. Department maintains Central Register of Data on Exposure to Carcinogenic or Mutagenic Chemical Substances, Mixtures, Agents or Technological Processes

The main tasks of the Department of Chemical Safety:
  • assessment and control of the risk resulting from the use, production and import of chemicals and their mixtures by manufacturers, importers and downstream users
  • testing and evaluation of materials and technological processes (Dz.U. 1996, Nr 101, poz. 473 pursuant to art. 220 § 2 point 1 of the Act of 26 June 1974 - Labour Code, Dz.U. 2020, poz. 1320 as amended).
As a unit authorized by the minister competent for health, we conduct tests of materials and technological processes in order to determine the degree of their harmfulness to health (Regulation of the Minister of Health and Welfare of 12 July 1996, Dz.U. 1996 Nr 101, poz. 473)
  • preparation of opinions on legal acts drafts in the field of chemicals and work safety as part of interdepartmental consultations
  • conducting scientific research on the impact of chemical agents on health

These multidirectional research particularly include:
  • assessment of hazards to humans and the environment posed by chemical substances and their mixtures on the basis of literature data;
  • assessment of occupational exposure to chemical substances and related risk, including workplace audits and exposure modeling; 
  • modeling of substances concentrations in the workplace air and exposure assessment (ECETOC TRA, MEASE, Stoffenmanager, ART, EMKG Expo Tool); 
  • materials and technological processes assessment in terms of physical and chemical harmfulness; 
  • classification and labelling of the chemical substances and mixtures in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC No 1272/2008 CLP); 
  • development of safety data sheets in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC No 1907/2006 REACH); 
  • practical interpretation of the information contained in the exposure scenarios; 
  • SEVESO classification; 
  • assessment of personal protective equipment in terms of the presence of substances hazardous to human health and life;


Assessment of materials and technological processes

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