Epidemiology Unit | Central Register of Occupational Diseases | Environmental Reproduction Hazards Unit | Children’s Environmental Health Unit | Reference Center for Asbestos Exposure and Health Risk Assessment | Projects

The definition of occupational disease | Certifying Procedure | List of occupational diseases | Statistical data on the occupational diseases

Head: Prof. Wojciech Hanke, MD, PhD
phone: (+48) 42 631 45 60
e-mail: Wojciech.Hanke@imp.lodz.pl

Data on occupational diseases has been collected by the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine (NIOM) in Lodz since 1971. Since 1999, the data has been collected in NIOM’s Central Register of Occupational Diseases. The purpose of the register, in addition to collecting and processing data on occupational diseases, includes analyzing the epidemiological situation in this regard. The Occupational Disease Reporting Form, completed by medical personnel of the sanitary and epidemiological stations for each fresh case of occupational disease diagnosed in Poland and sent to NIOM are used as the source documents. Since 2003, the Polish data on occupational diseases has been included in the European statistics, and each year sent to Eurostat in accordance with current Eurostat’s methodology of data processing. A report, "Occupational diseases in Poland" containing current data on the incidence of the diseases according to nosologic unit, category of economic activity, province and gender is published each year.

In 2007, N. Szeszenia-Dabrowska N. and U. Wilczynska published their work, "Occupational diseases in Poland - statistics and epidemiology," which is Poland's first compact release of statistics on the incidence of occupational diseases since 1971 until 2005. That study attempts to identify factors influencing the frequency of occupational diseases and the impact of those factors on the incidence of occupational diseases in different periods. It also comprises legal acts with the lists of occupational diseases since 1928 till 2002. The currently valid list was published in 2009.

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